Thursday 14 April 2011

Word magazine Reader Profile

This is the profile for the readers of word magazine it was created by the makers of the magazine, therefore it is very accurate to their target audience.

He is a very high-earning ABC1 male aged between 30 and 55. While we're blowing smoke up his fundament we shouldn't neglect to mention that our research shows that 44% of Word's readers earn over £50,000 and 11% earn over £100,000. He used to be what the entertainment retailers call the £50 guy but our last reader survey shows that this is out of date. He's now likely to be spending more than £90 a month on music, films and books.

When he was 19 music was his world. Music magazines were his first real print addiction. They gave him a sense of community, a language, a style and a whole new way of looking at the world. You won't find him following the crowd but you might find him leading it. He's trusted by his peers as the person to turn to for an informed opinion on music and media.

Now that he is over 30 with a partner and possibly even a family, he is as passionate about music as ever but his interests have broadened to encompass other forms of entertainment and new technology to enjoy these on. He is still after the sense of community he used to get from music magazines, but until the arrival of Word felt there was no longer anything in the market for him. On one hand he feels too old for what he considers to be the over-heated world of the current entertainment monthlies and on the other he does not want to live in the past with a nostalgia magazine.

He plays loud music in his car and Radio Four at home. He read Ian McEwan's "Atonement" years ago but will obviously laugh at the Simpsons. He has a limited amount of time to devote to entertainment and therefore demands that it delivers something in the way of substance. His tastes and interests have not stood still and he likes to discover new musicians, authors and movies. He prides himself that he is in the know, that he didn't get off the bus back in the 80s. Now, thanks to Word, the magazine, the site, the podcast, the web radio stream, the Facebook group and whatever comes next, he feels more in touch than ever.

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